Some Other Helpful Assets for Starting an Investor or Trader Newsletter Publishing Business & Growing It Into a Quick, Profitable Success
- This is page 4 of a 4-part article. If you landed here first, you might want to start on page one.
The list on the prior page was mostly a list of MUSTS. The list on THIS page is not absolutely required but can ADD to your growth potential in this kind of business...
- Entrepreneurial drive & determination: as in ANY type of startup business, the investor newsletter entrepreneur must be self-driven and committed to give it their best. You will be competing against long-established companies with deeper pockets and larger staffs (unless you engage BI). Carving out a successful niche requires dedication to thrive against such challenges. Part-time or "when I have time" efforts tend to yield commensurate business results. While they can be quite good, more time investment typically yields more favorable results. Once you get to critical mass- the point at which new subscriber revenue inflows exceed the cost of ongoing operations plus growth initiatives- demands on your own time & energy can diminish. Until then, the optimal working model is in pouring it on.
- A good story helps prospective subscribers bond with a new investor "guru." Prospective subscribers want to buy from someone who appears to know more about the markets than they do. Whether that's you or not isn't as important as you might assume. It's the PERCEPTION that matters more than the reality. We can help anyone craft a good story. And no, that doesn't require relevant, long-term history on Wall Street or in a financial-oriented career at all. Many very successful FinPub owners have no such histories: teachers, military, IT, health care professionals, engineers, investing hobbyists, students, etc.
Our digital artists can work wonders with imagery & video too. We can make you look goooooooooood to these prospects! - A passion for EXPOSURE: The most successful newsletter publishers strive to appear to be EVERYWHERE they can be seen, heard or read by an audience likely to be interested in BUYING their product mix. We refer to this as "proactive PR" (PPR) because it involves dedicated time & energy to get:
- articles and other media in the major industry pubs like WSJ, Barron's, IBD, Forbes, etc.,
- appearances on the major business channels like CNBC, Fox Business, Bloomberg, etc.,
- exposure on major investor portal websites,
- into Apple iOS & Android vehicles,
- etc. Everywhere means EVERYWHERE buyers can be reached.
More simply: you aim for a specialized, narrow slice of fame because prospective subscribers are more likely to buy from someone familiar to them vs. some stranger who blasted them yet another marketing promotion today. Bonus: every such appearance is a form of value-added ADVERTISING... without the expense of running ads in/on those same vehicles. Spend only effort to get in front of thousands-to-millions of BUYERS!
Wondering where to start your own PPR? We can help you get this going, even from scratch... identifying a specific list of top-performing FinPub PPR targets and the smartest tactics to win key exposures within them. The vast majority of the most famous FinPub figureheads began with NO name, NO fame and NO relevant PPR. This kind of marketing coup begins with ONE baby step... and then another... and another. Just as they did it, you CAN do it too! - Startup cash to help you get established faster and fund marketing tactical execution. Startup capital can help you engage talent like ours to work for/with you, short-cutting the path to a best-in-class business model. Cash minimizes the timetable it takes to harvest large, lucrative and recurring profit. The entrepreneurial workload is not as onerous when you can use cash to buy your way to key levels of success. Having 2 or 5 or 10+ people working towards ANY objective will get you there much faster than only you working towards it.
As it would be in ANY startup, trying to scale up with no cash tends to be a slower-growth proposition. It IS doable- many go this way- but it tends to be the trickle-growth version of the entrepreneurial dream. BI can help you raise startup cash if you are willing to take on investors or partners. And/Or consider our referral rewards program. A few good referrals (not limited to ONLY FinPub-type business services) can CREATE startup cash.
You likely know some business owners and/or company decision-makers who could use some outside expertise to help grow their business or resolve business problems. Put your contact list to work and it may provide up to ALL of the working capital you need. A simple referral by email or phone could lead to a new client for us. We then share 15% what they pay us with you. Depending on who you know, it can be very easy money. - Presentation skills: public speaking capabilities can help build your subscriber base. Seminars, industry trade shows, educational presentations, etc, all offer an excellent opportunity to impress an audience likely to be interested in your kinds of offerings. Good presentation skills also help you with mainstream PR, such as appearing on business television channels, radio, vodcasts, podcasts, etc.
BI principles can stand in for sometimes-shy FinPubs to present on their behalf. If you are not comfortable in front of an audience, we could be one way to get you this kind of brand exposure without the in-person nerves. - Managerial talents if you aspire to grow the business beyond your own maximum production capabilities. Visualize a small team working for you if you want 8-figure revenue... and larger staff if you want to become one of the "kings" of this space.
- Unique selling proposition (USP): A USP is something that distinguishes your offerings from the crowd (the key word is "unique"). Ideally, it is a great, succinct answer to "what's so special about your product?" or the meatiest short answer to "why should I buy your newsletter?" BI can help you determine your USP. It's a certainty that you already have at least one. Let us help determine if you have more than one.
- Connections: can anyone in your network of friends & family help get you in front of prospective subscribers? Do you already have a starter list of prospects that might be interested in your new product? Maybe you already write a blog or free newsletter and have an established following? Is there anyone who would make a good partner(s), content contributor(s) and/or source of working capital? Think through ALL existing connections. There may be additional opportunity in some of those relationships.
- Etc. (there are several more)
FinPub offerings like investor & trader newsletters, netletters, E-zines, podcasts & vodcasts, blogs, etc, are aimed at building a following of tens-to-hundreds of thousands of paying subscribers. The smartest publishers often comp key media contacts including those shown above in hopes they will get free publicity via quotes of their work and/or invitations to write guest articles or appear on popular programs. Each exposure is a great way to introduce yourself to millions of relevant prospects.
Some of your new fans from such appearances will come looking for more from you. If they find a great website (especially one loaded with the more proven FinPub industry lead and customer-capturing hooks) and a "WOW!" product(s) they can buy, you will likely get a good number of new subscribers with each appearance, along with building your name, reputation & marketability as a market guru.
We are expert in all such matters. Use our talented consultants & contractors to help you do it all right.
You too can publish exciting, interesting newsletters and other forms of Internet communications... thoroughly FREE from the relentless burdens of the compliance department and registered-side regulations.
All those ideas you have about reaching out to current clients and prospects via an impressive newsletter, netletter, webinar, podcast, vodcast, streaming channel and similar can be accomplished through your own FinPub small business unit. It's relatively simple to set up and can be extraordinarily lucrative at attracting new clients, keeping existing ones & quickly growing revenue.
This is a big innovation you may already know something about but didn't realize you could make it work. You can! And it can wow you in every key way: high quality clients & prospects, its own recurring revenue stream, potent customer bonding vehicle, delightful tax benefit, steady cash flows, valuable new company asset, enhanced PR (even great personal fame) and more.
We encourage you to take advantage of our FREE CONSULTATION so that we can help you think through any of the initiatives that go into a successful startup in this industry. We can also provide you with our list of common & costly mistakes often made by new startups when they try to become an investor newsletter publisher on their own. Here's one right now...
Most industry novices think that breaking into this space is little more than developing a product and hanging a "we're open" e-shingle out on the world wide web. This is definitely NOT a "build it and they will come" enterprise. Friends & family? Yes. But the big money is in winning over total strangers.
Success requires proactive efforts to go get them... not laying back hoping they will come to you. Will some do the latter? Yes, but that kind of growth is often slow... and we're yet to encounter ANY publisher happy with the money made from the trickle of business that seeks them out. Think proactive NOT reactive if you desire BIG success.
The "kings" of the space rarely have a better product, trading system, etc.- in fact, it's often the opposite if you check product rating entities like Hulbert's Financial Digest. Nevertheless, in spite of inferior products and poor performance, money flows in great volume to the dominant players because they employ well proven, proactive marketing tactics to rapidly add new, paying subscribers month after month. What are those tactics? Hire BI and we'll help you adopt them.
If you can bring above-average analysis and recommendations to this market, you can beat those dominant players by retaining more customers over time. In other words...
Adopt proven tactics that add many new customers to your subscriber base (like they do) and then do a superior job of keeping subscribers for the longer term with better products (like they do NOT do).
The smart financial publisher doesn't forego one (retention) for the other (acquisition); instead, the best are relentlessly focused on BOTH: adding new customers AND keeping the customers already in hand.
Much of the industry does NOT maximize retention. It is a massive strategic opportunity for new startup FinPubs. Use it to soar!
If you are already an established publisher looking for ways to significantly grow revenue, be sure to review the 7 key investment newsletter business growth solutions highlighting proven strategic options to better compete with the most profitable FinPubs. Those 7 are some of the BEST ways to rapidly grow a small-to-mid-size player. Our experts can help you do any/all of those in exceptional ways.
The BI team has DECADES of experience within the investor newsletter publishing industry. Our resumes include long-term tenures employed by some of the most successful trading gurus. Since we started BI in 2004, we've been advisors, consultants and contractors for a diverse mix of small, medium and large financial newsletter publishers. Before 2004, we were dynamic & highly productive employees & executives for many of the most successful FinPub industry companies. We are the ONLY full-service firm in the world with direct experience in all aspects of growing this kind of business. Engaging our core team- which can also connect you to a multitude of the very best subcontractor specialists serving THIS space- is a great way to maximize your chances of success and accelerate your path to profitability.
Use our FREE CONSULTATION to get a feel for how well we know our stuff... and how much we can bring to your personal ambitions within this industry.