Do You Really Know Your Market? Do You Know What Your Competitors Are Doing That's Working Well for Them? Use Our Refined Market Research Model to Develop Buyer Intelligence. Grow Revenue & Profit on that Tangible Knowledge Foundation.

  • Jan 30, 2025
  • The Big Innovations Team
  • St. Louis, Missouri
Objective Competitor and Customer Research will show you the way to big business innovations

Collective Brilliance (hereafter CB) can give your business the crucial information for uncovering your next big thing(s) and taking it to market in the most profitable way. It can help you better THINK about your issues & opportunities... differently... driven by the added fuel of:

  1. really knowing your customers- THEIR wants/concerns/needs/issues/etc,
  2. detecting the latest & greatest breakthroughs by competitors while there is still time to do something about them and
  3. USING BOTH TO INNOVATE a few unique FABs all your own.

It is a highly-refined process of strategic marketing analysis that thoroughly examines your business in 3 dimensions. In short...

We cultivate brilliance: the genius sometimes hidden or suppressed within your team, valuable first-hand intelligence directly from your customers and the "best of" innovations being hatched by competitors trying to take share from you.

We seek, harvest, process & summarize all of that to help your business efficiently grow beyond your best expectations. If you want a very tangible advantage, you should hire us to do some collective brilliance with/for you. We will fortify your defense & advance your offense! Your competitors won't know what him them.

Expert market research leads to lucative business breakthroughs

CB blends creative, customer-centric innovations with scientific support to maximize the chances of a transforming success, while minimizing the risk of sailing over the edge. It is an effective form of specialized crowdsourcing in which you...

...tap into the minds of the more relevant players for your business- your customers & prospects, competitors and employees- to focus and capitalize upon THEIR brilliance AS A GROUP.

Very simply: you leverage the collective brainpower of the MANY instead of hoping to achieve the same breadth & quality of growth-driving innovations with a few.

If you are in search of your own 'next big thing' and need to get it right & SOON... if you need to improve revenue & profits... if you need to become more relevant to prospects & buyers... you have 2 choices:

  1. Keep trying to best-guess your way forward, or
  2. invest in some objective research to clearly light the way.

CB is the very best incarnation of the latter; it is an excellent, PROACTIVE catalyst for rapid business growth. Our deep experience can help you do it all right.


Your company needs CB if you want to:

  • profile customers to grow revenue-per-customer,
  • use that profiling to attract new buyers and discover new sources of quality customers,
  • aim for maximum growth with minimum risk,
  • create the smartest, fact-supported marketing or strategic plan you've ever had,
  • develop a new, market-shaking product or service OR enhance & reinvigorate an existing one,
  • Collective Brilliance market research can help you narrowly define an ideal target market(s)
  • realize greater ROI from your traditional or digital marketing,
  • increase new lead flow, improve the quality of your leads or convert more leads to customers,
  • dramatically enhance the ROI on your social media initiatives,
  • build or evolve into a customer-dazzling website loaded with potent marketing hooks,
  • objectively identify competitor advantages and mitigate their negative impact and/or capitalize on their own brilliance at uncovering new and better ways,
  • clearly identify and enter a new market(s),
  • evaluate a strategic acquisition candidate for both current and future upside potential,
  • overcome & correct a strategic problem: sales downturn, reduction in market share, etc,
  • install a subscription business model as a source of recurring revenue,
  • turn a cost center into a profit center,
  • Etc. There are MANY applications on the growth side functions of all businesses. Anything that could use some market intelligence to drive your BEST decisions can benefit from some collective brilliance.

Essentially, ANYTHING that involves change, new thrusts and growth ambitions needs market-driven insights. Internal resistance to some marketing initiative can be brought around with the power of facts: it's hard for subjective, "gut" opinions to override tangible big data. That becomes a battle of "I think" vs. "We KNOW." All parts of ANY change initiative are strengthened from the solid foundation of research-driven underpinnings:

  • "Our customers want..."
  • "Our competitors are beating us by..."
  • "Our team sees growth in..."

...are powerful ways to drive growth changes, new thrusts, new offerings, etc. We help you FOCUS the analysis and ask CB to show you the smarter way.

The alternative- guessing & hoping without much research- is a very poor substitute that jacks up risk & failure potential. No need for that. Use CB market research to get it right the first time. It is the VERY BEST solution to get you from where you are to where you want to be. Contact us for a FREE CONSULTATION.

If you really LISTEN to your buyers, they will tell you what they want to buy

In simplest terms, Collective Brilliance represents the effective work of very-thorough market analysis. The Big Innovations team can expertly help you apply CB to your own situation or offer up to a turnkey solution.

As we harvest the learnings, we use them to divine the next big thing(s) and/or validate or refute speculative guesses or gut beliefs already on hand. The innovations that follow can be among the most lucrative opportunities to grow your business, backed by the tangible & objective evidence of the analysis.


Objective eyes & ears see and hear with CLARITY. It's what makes CB work so well. It ignores "we've always done it that way" bias, internal rah-rah spin and 'reality distortion fields' and objectively reviews the topic(s) through completely fresh lenses. This leads to insights & actionable recommendations based on PURE viewpoints. Your own big innovations only come from clearly identifying a problem or opportunity. CB is HOW to do that.

CB is also a cost-effective approach that aims for the biggest bang with theOur collective brilliance market reserach model draws best of ideas from all 3 sources: customer, competitors and company. Use it to grow your business to record revenue least possible risk. We believe it represents THE best "first steps" to the next market-shaking breakthrough at any company.

The process can yield:

It may show you one big opportunity or a collection of smaller ones. If you think you might already have the next big thing, you can use CB to objectively check your assumptions. It greatly expands your view by incorporating quantitative and qualitative intelligence sourced directly from those beyond you and your executive team. It makes you and that team smarter by more fully leveraging the collective intelligence available to you.

The all-too-common alternative is company tunnel vision...

a change of perspective offers an entirely different view of everything

"We think too small... like the frog at the bottom of a well. He thinks the sky is only as big as the top of the well. If he surfaced, he would have an entirely different view."

If the big ideas recently brainstormed at your company sound as limited in vision as that frog in the well, use CB to EXPAND your vision. Let your buyers, competitors and those closer to your customers help you develop your next big thing(s). Those sources have insights that can play a huge role in getting it right... or even seeing it at all. We help you rise out of such wells!

When your vision expands, you naturally see more opportunities. It transforms "we're not quite sure what to do next" into the problem(?) of easily seeing SEVERAL good-to-great next steps.

The information intelligence foundation of:

  1. customers telling you exactly what they want,
  2. competitors showing you exactly what is working for them and
  3. fresh "insider" insights...

...are all extraordinary catalysts for innovation. It is the very best way to hatch the big and small innovations every business needs.

Customer research, competitive analysis, insider innovation are key catalysts for new business innovations

The next page goes deeper...

  1. Applications of Collective Brilliance market research,
  2. Using CB to help you find your 'next big thing' innovations,
  3. Stepping ahead of competitors by evolving on a foundation of market intelligence, and
  4. Discovering new markets by following the (big) data.

If you would rather talk with a CB expert right now...

Otherwise, click the NEXT button to see the rest of the article...


Best-in-class service from exceptional marketing, sales and biz dev professional consultants

  1. Seeking new customers & revenue?
  2. Striving to develop THE BEST product, website, subscription or membership business or lucrative strategic plan?
  3. Looking for better ROI on growth unit budgets?
  4. Want to increase revenue from existing customers?
  5. Need resourceful, brainy & enthusiastic horses to deliver BIG on that extra project your team can't fully cover right now?


Using the ultimate network of vetted & time-tested growth contractor specialists, our experts craft best-in-class solutions... always on time & budget.

Proven, objective & dynamic resources drive rapid business growth.


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Turn good invention or idea into a cash income stream



...but everyone's plate is full? Toss that ball to our very capable horses. We are ALWAYS ready to run and- with our energy and attention to detail- you will WIN that race.

You know it's a GREAT idea! IT MUST GET DONE! Not next year or 2 years from now... but NOW. There's so much ROI in it that it CAN'T WAIT for an internal champion to finally find some capacity.

Can you hear the bugle call? Thoroughbreds are already in the starting gate... chomping at the bit. One call...

Great pay for top-of-your-game freelancers looking for good gigs

We are always looking for outstanding professionals to join our best-in-class network of talented freelancers, contractors & consultants. If you have an impressive track record and/or portfolio of wow examples of your work, we want to hear from you.

Our company delights our clients by being narrowly focused on the growth-side functions of business: marketing & digital marketing, sales, development: business, product, technology & Internet, subscription & membership models, and strategic planning & execution.

Do YOU have AMAZING skills in any of those areas?

If so, we may be able to put you to work in some exceptional & highly-rewarding gigs.

Turn good invention or idea into a cash income stream

You have a burning hot business idea or product concept. It is THE one. You know it can be HUGE!


We help entrepreneurs effectively take the crucial next steps that turn profit-making dreams into money-in-the-bank reality.

We can help you monetize your good idea in an impressive business ready to go to market & rapidly grow.

Subscription and Membership Models offer consistent recurring revenue and income

Instead of starting every new year's sales numbers back at...


... what if you could have an AUTOMATIC source of profitable sales income?



Imagine making a sale that is very likely to REPEAT next year... AND again the year after that... AND AGAIN the year after that.

Imagine the EASY income in renewals.

Imagine the long-term loyalty cross-selling & upselling opportunity.

Imagine the cash flow stabilization that comes with a dependable revenue stream on auto-pilot.