Sales Team Consulting: What Would a 10%-40% INCREASE in Revenue-Per-Salesperson Mean to Your Business This Year? Let's Find Out!

  • Mar 22, 2024
  • The Big Innovations Team
  • Ft. Worth, Texas
Increase revenue per salesperson

Is your sales team operating at maximum productivity? Is revenue-per-salesperson trending favorably or unfavorably? We have substantial experience improving the effectiveness of sales teams. We work with them to clearly identify their opportunities & challenges and then innovate solutions for each one. Enhancements to individual salesperson productivity can yield an enormous boost to your bottom line, even in the short-term.

What would even a 20% improvement in revenue-per-salesperson mean to your company? How about 50%?

What if we could DOUBLE individual salesperson productivity?

Impossible? Note our choice of name: we're not Micro or Marginal Innovations. 😉

You may, in fact, have a fully-optimized sales model... perfect in every way... with every salesperson already selling at their maximum potential. But that would be an all-time first. If you believe there is ANY room for improvement- and there ALWAYS is in sales- give our experts a shot at mining that surplus gold for you. You know it's there. Let's get it!

Our team has helped middling salespeople become super-performers. We've grown average sales unit revenue as much as 3X-10X or more in as little as 6-18 months. Our approaches WORK. They would likely work well for your company too.


First, we directly interact with the team. Because they are so close to your customers they tend to know better than anyone what is right and wrong about your offerings, sales model and so on.Grow Revenue Per Salesperson with Big Innovations consulting solutions Often they can even offer pieces of ideal solutions to the right sets of (very experienced) ears. We will HEAR them, then bring those insights to the top, so they can contribute to the sales innovations to come.

Our objective position as an outside resource can motivate them to open up and share issues and ideas that might not be as readily (or clearly) communicated to company insiders, where politics and emotions like fear can suppress this crucial information. This intimacy is one key to our success in growing sales talent productivity.

Second, we do our own analysis on what we learn. Is the problem or limitation actually centered in the sales team or is it something else? Product quality? New process conflicts? Fundamental changes in the marketplace? New competitor tactics? The list can be substantial but we have the experience to cut through the noise and zero in on the most tangible opportunities.

You might have the most talented salespeople in the world falling short of their fullest potential because something else in the sales model is weak, needlessly capping what they can accomplish...

Fresh eyes, open ears and sharp minds can identify weaknesses, bring focus to them, fix them and thus knock sales hinderances out of the way.

A (what should be) rhetorical, sales leadership question...


Company celebration for signficantly growing sales

    Let that extra revenue rain down upon your bottom line
  • plenty of thumbs up 👍🏼 👍🏿 👍🏻 👍🏾 👍🏽
  • celebrations 🎉 🎊 🥂
  • accolades for a job well done 🏆 🥇
  • shareholder glee & adulation 🤩 😃
  • stretch bonus CASH! 💵💰💵 and
  • all of the other niceties that accompany breaking all-time records 🚘 🛩 🏖

Shall we start mitigating sales obstacles now?

Third, once we've objectively identified the core issues, we can work with your team to develop solutions. If it is:

  • unrelated to your sales function or team, we can apply proven methodologies like our product development process and collective brilliance methodology to develop cutting-edge recommendations.
  • a quality of leads or promotional issue, we can utilize our broad experience in marketing to help you fix such issues.
  • sales related, we can dig in deeper to better understand the cause-effect relationships and then orchestrate and/or conduct sales training that specifically reconciles the issue(s).
  • Etc.

One of our great advantages is our competencies beyond only the sales discipline. We can scrutinize growth opportunities within your sales department as well as all of the external feeders that influence their productivity.


Use the following slideshow to get a feel for the potentials in adding or enhancing a sales team. To move through the show on:

  • touchscreen devices: with a finger on the slide, swipe left
  • desktops or laptops: click and hold your mouse pointer on the slide and shift it to the left.

Adding or enhancing a sales team can help you grow company sales to all-time records
Sales team support for a marketing-only business can lift sales 3 to 6 times vs. marketing alone
Telemarketing or telesales can be a local selling force with up to global reach
Sales team building solutions can unify the team, get important information shared and lift all boats to greater success
If sales are trending south, our solutions can turn them around.
Big Innovations offers many services to help strengthen sales team performance
Even more sales team-improving services offered by Big Innovations consultants
We have worked with many companies across disparate industries
Big Innovations impacts can show themselves quickly. You are likely to see tangible results within the year
Contact Big Innovations for a free consultation

Working with your people, we develop innovative, actionable solutions. For example, if your current prospect pond is mostly fished out, replacing salespeople, more training, a change in compensation or reward programs, etc, won't magically create new fish for ANYONE to catch. In that scenario, we could help you discover new markets and/or new revenue streams to thoroughly restock your pond.

Or it might be simpler than that... such as streamlining your sales process or helping your team gain greater focus where their opportunities are hottest right now. Are they properly equipped with up-to-date technology to do their job well... or using outdated tools that burn lots of what could otherwise be more productive time? Organizational? Structural? Tactical? Motivation? There's MANY variables to assess and process to find those that could use some tweaks... or more. Our team can find them.


Sometimes fundamental observations- often more apparent to objective, outside consultants like us- can facilitate big increases in salesperson productivity. For example, two very common issues for MANY sales teams...

  1. non-selling task work assigned to salespeople, and
  2. obsolete sales technology tools

...are often illogically supported internally with "we've always done it that way." mentalities. One logic chain is a simple one:

Eliminating time-wasting processes and updating supporting technologies creates more selling time. More selling time will almost certainly result in MORE sales.

Many sales time-wasters are simply leftovers from when the company was smaller... when the sales team was also the customer service team, and also the fulfillment team, and also the ___________ team, etc. Observations of time-wasting processes that can easily be removed from salespeople and covered- if necessary (which is not always the case)- elsewhere can result in tremendous revenue growth from the very same sales resources you already have.Jettison money and time wasters so that there is more time for productive selling Ignoring outdated sales technology provides a great opportunity for more modernized competitors to take market share from you.

Selling time and sales results are directly linked. But companies are extraordinarily bad about piling needless time-wasters onto salespeople. Have you ever clocked a metric called average selling time (AST)? If not, attempt to write down a percentage of time you would like your salespeople to NOT be selling each day. It's a much harder exercise to write this number than it is to read the prompt. Go ahead and try to do it right now: how much of each day do you want your salespeople to NOT be selling?

If you ARE able to write down what you consider an acceptable percentage, subtract it from 100% and use that result in a comparison with an objective measure of actual AST. Those two numbers will probably not be close. If actual AST is unacceptable- and it often is- the accompanying observations about what eats up so much of the day becomes a simple opportunity to clear out unproductive, time-wasting clutter.

Do you want to cling "we've always done it that way" status quo or do you want the increased revenue? You would be surprised how often even fundamentals like these are overlooked in- or are indiscernible to insiders of- growing companies. How it once was is probably NOT how it still is today. What once worked well probably doesn't work as well today. Sales models must EVOLVE over time.

Outsiders see through FRESH lenses

So many sales impact innovations revolve around psychology & sentiment:

  • connecting the right reward system with the desired actions,
  • listening to the marketplace,
  • hearing the team with unbiased, completely-objective ears, and
  • knocking the controllable (sometimes illogical) obstacles out of the way.

The issues can rangeIncrease sales team productivity to set revenue records from the simple- even fundamental- to complex. Our team can help you identify those issues and offer our best recommendations on how to address them. We can also help you implement the recommendations completing a proven process of:

  1. observation,
  2. identification,
  3. recommendations,
  4. implementation and
  5. enjoying the rewards of increased sales production. Those are LONG-TERM rewards, yielding sales gains for many years to come.

Invite Big Innovations sales model experts to help your sales team become much more successful in the most tangible of ways: you will LOVE the revenue growth!


Best-in-class service from exceptional marketing, sales and biz dev professional consultants

  1. Seeking new customers & revenue?
  2. Striving to develop THE BEST product, website, subscription or membership business or lucrative strategic plan?
  3. Looking for better ROI on growth unit budgets?
  4. Want to increase revenue from existing customers?
  5. Need resourceful, brainy & enthusiastic horses to deliver BIG on that extra project your team can't fully cover right now?


Using the ultimate network of vetted & time-tested growth contractor specialists, our experts craft best-in-class solutions... always on time & budget.

Proven, objective & dynamic resources drive rapid business growth.


We will WOW you... fast... and beyond expectations.


A multi-billion dollar industry flourishes in all economic cycles... finding sales revenue more efficiently than every other kind of selling channel.

Pair it with a marketing-only model and it can drive 3-to-6 times MORE sales. That's

  • 900+ orders instead of 300.
  • your marketing-driven revenue multiplied by at least 3 and possibly 6.

It's time-tested, well-proven and something that "just works" for almost every type of business that gives it a good try.

Big Innovations telemarketing teams can improve your ROI by 3 to 6 times compared to using marketing alone

So that you can see the amazing revenue impact for yourself, BI can help you test your way into telesales using internal or outsource teams.

What would 3-to-6 times more closes mean to revenue THIS year? We have cream-of-the-crop pros in our best-in-class network ready to show you the money.


One of the very best ways to grow your business is by getting closer to your customers & prospects.

  • THEY know what they want to buy.
  • THEY know what they need.

The trick is helping YOU better understand what they want & need.

Our collective brilliance model is the ULTIMATE way to do this.

Collective brilliance marketing research helps you get much closer to your customers, capitalize on competitor advances and unleash the company brilliance within

It also leverages brilliance at work by competitors to help YOUR business grow.

Blend the lost art of really LISTENING to your market WITH an objective VISION to notice every good thing your competitors are doing... and it creates the ideal catalyst for the BIGGEST innovations.


"If you fail to plan..."

A smart business plan helps you achieve your greatest objectives

Consult any quality source about building a business- or growing one- and they always offer the same core recommendation...


Why? Because it works. Planning gets you organized. It:

  • puts tangible meat to the bones of good ideas.
  • presses the whole team to plot the BEST course forward, figuring out the optimal steps from here to there.
  • minimizes cost & risk, marginalizes strategic threats and narrows in on specific opportunities with the greatest upside.
  • resolves "chaos culture" and "panic scrambles" by mitigating guesses at what employees think they should be doing... because they will KNOW... without having to be mind-readers.
  • effectively communicates the mission, vision, objectives and tactics so that everyone clearly knows their roles... and how to contribute their best.

By FOCUSING the entire organization and working out the most likely ways to achieve even lofty goals, you maximize your chances of actually reaching them. Every successful business of size has a written plan as a guide to greatness.

Do you have one?

If not, review the step-by-step to creating your ultimate plan...